Having psychosis is tough experience to go through. I know how tangled we get in our own self depleting spiral. Seeking help from others or even just speaking to others becomes a herculean achievement at this stage. If you hear voices and you are getting different ideas and nobody you feel are validating you, its tough phase you are going through. its real . its important you don`t isolate yourself in disbelief and dread. make an attempt to break the negative pattern and open up and speak out
Here we are as a open non judgement listening forum for people with psychosis to come forward to open up and gain support .feel free to come here and open your difficulties. having gone through tough period myself and having recovered i feel the importance of social support for people with psychotic experiences. i will be happy to listen and support you. i can say with little effort and adjustments we can function better and be joyfull again through my own experience
Call me or Whatsapp me @ +91 7358532827 or email me at psysensed@gmail.com for joining the support group and meet similar people and grow together.
welcome !
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